Our Story
Since 2004, NAFC has trained over 2,500 Native Americans to be fitness instructors on tribal lands throughout Indian country.

My son, dancing at a Hopi ceremony!
Directors Message
Brian Laban [Hopi/Tewa]
Director of Culture & Education
Today our Native people live in two worlds & thus face many challenges. Native adults & elders encounter high rates of diabetes & other disease while our youth fight disproportionate mental depression & thoughts of suicide.
Back in time, when movement was our way of life, those challenges were not prevalent. Our ancestors were active in ceremonial movements, running races against other villages, & working the horses. We walked the fields & forests to pick medicinal plants, competed in stickball and other traditional Native sports. But today we have the challenge of living in two worlds.
We need educated Native trainers to lead weight lifting & cardio conditioning activities. That is good for our people. But more importantly, we need to return to our original culture of movement. We need to walk & run, as families, with a united purpose. Our youth need to dance at ceremonies & learn the old ways of sporting life & competition.
And that is why NAFC exists. We bridge the two worlds bringing movement back into Native American lives so there is healing & healthy restoration of mind, body & spirit.
NAFC Event Photos
NAFC Success

The Native American Fitness Council’s work “Training Native Trainers” is nationally recognized & has received the prestigious Leadership Award from the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition. NAFC has worked with the following Native American tribes & organizations:
Indian Health Services – Federal Health Program
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Nike Native Fitness Events
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
Navajo Nation Special Diabetes Project
Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian
Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of Montana
Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health
Coeur d”Alene Tribe
Colorado River Indian Tribe
Seminole Tribe of Florida
The National Diabetes Prevention Program
Mi’qmak Nation
Santa Ana Pueblo
The Tulalip Tribes
Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Paiute Tribe of Utah
WINGS of America – American Indian Youth Development Programs
Klamath Tribes
Isleta Pueblo
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
Santee Sioux Nation
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
Inter Tribal Council of Arizona
Pueblo of Sandia
Tohono O’odham Nation of Arizona
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
The Northern Ute Tribe
Citizen Potawatomi Nation of Oklahoma
Havasupai Indian Tribe
Suquamish Tribe
Choctaw Tribe of Oklahoma
Riverside San Bernadino County Indian Health
Quinault Indian Tribe
Puyallup Tribe
The Hopi Health Care Center
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Jicarilla Apache Tribe
Colorado River Indian Diabetes Prevention Program
Crow Indian Tribe
Diné Wellness Alliance
Montana Native Youth Program
Centers for American Indian & Alaska Native Health
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Quechan Indian Tribe
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
Native Americans for Community Action
Navajo Coordinated School Health Program
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo
Gila River Indian Community
Special Diabetes Program for Indians
Kansas Kickapoo Tribe
Reno Sparks Indian Colony
Ute Mountain Ute
Pasqua Yaqui
Albuquerque Area Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center
Big Pine Paiute Tribe